Ask an Expert – Cindy Robinson

Dec 4, 2023

Cindy Robinson, Senior Project Manager at Six Red Marbles

Interviewer: What is your name?  

Marble: Cindy Robinson 

Interviewer: What is your position at Six Red Marbles? 

Marble: Senior Project Manager 

Interviewer: What does that position entail? 

Marble: I am the main point of contact for SRM’s clients, and I am responsible for ensuring projects are delivered on time and on budget. I start by creating a plan for the project, and then I work closely with SRM’s editorial, learning experience design (LXD), production, and creative teams to execute and deliver high-quality educational content that we can all be proud of. 

Interviewer: How did you become a part of Six Red Marbles? 

Marble: Before coming to SRM, I worked as a project manager in the tech industry, but I wanted to work on projects that were more inspiring and closely related to my own passions. When I found SRM, it was immediately clear that I would enjoy working in an environment that includes unique educational experiences, creativity, art, and technology. Almost 4 years later, I am still very happy and proud to be a Marble. 

Interviewer: What is the best part of your job? 

Marble: I enjoy collaborating and troubleshooting with my coworkers and clients because it allows us to learn from each other and to find new ways to improve ourselves, our businesses, and our products. 

Interviewer: What do you wish people knew about your work at Six Red Marbles? 

Marble: I wish people could see how much coordination goes into keeping everyone on the same project path. There are so many talented people providing input to the projects, so having a cohesive and cooperative team is extremely important. 

Interviewer: What is a trend you see happening in the education space that you’re excited about?  

Marble: I think AI is on all our minds! It has the potential to change education dramatically, so it is very interesting to experiment with the best ways to work with AI, instead of against it. 

Interviewer: What is one interesting fact about yourself that you’d like to share? 

Marble: I enjoy painting and metalwork in my free time. Someday I hope to have a blacksmithing forge in my backyard. 


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