Ask an Expert – Tiffany Chapman
Apr 17, 2024
Interviewer: What is your name?
Marble: Tiffany Chapman
Interviewer: What is your position at Six Red Marbles?
Marble: Demand Generation Manager
Interviewer: What does that position entail?
Marble: In short form, I attempt to generate demand for finding out who Six Red Marbles is and what we’re all about! To summarize, I am Gandalf the White of lead generation, marketing planning, and sales enablement. I cast enchantments and spells to attract and nurture leads through their customer journey, transforming them into loyal champions of our brand.
Interviewer: How did you become a part of Six Red Marbles?
Marble: In 2022, I was recruited to join the SRM team as our first Demand Generation Manager because we were growing in the higher education market, and that’s where I’ve spent my career. I was thrilled at the opportunity to help grow a marketing department from the ground up, and I still love waking up to come to this job every day!
Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?
Marble: Easily the most satisfying part of my job is having such a wonderful array of amazing colleagues. My fellow marketer and I have a strong, positive rapport and work seamlessly together, sometimes just hanging out in video chats while we work on separate things. We’re fully remote, but we have a positive culture of togetherness, a remarkable and wonderful thing in this current era of work culture.
Interviewer: What do you wish people knew about your work at Six Red Marbles?
Marble: Marketing is such a strange space to work in. It’s challenging to explain what you do or why you do it, since—I believe—many of us who choose this profession have no ego. In marketing, egos are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. It’s all about teamwork, collaboration, and putting our brand’s message front and center.
Interviewer: What is a trend you see happening in the education space that you’re excited about?
Marble: I feel like everyone is saying “AI” to this question right now. For me, it’s growth in skilled trades! As we see a shift toward valuing hands-on, practical skills in industries like manufacturing, automotive, and construction, there’s a huge opportunity for innovative educational approaches. Some ways SRM is working through this growth and hoping to impact the future of education include leveraging 3D models to support learner mastery and incorporating AI to fine-tune learning experiences to each client, and every learner, ensuring practical, realistic, in-depth learning experiences.
Interviewer: What is one interesting fact about yourself that you’d like to share?
Marble: I play several musical instruments, and I always wanted the banjo to be one of them. I started lessons in college, but my teacher up and disappeared one day, and I gave up. I sold the banjo to pay some bills and never picked one up again. I decided while watching the recent eclipse that I’d like to get myself another banjo and try again!